Bodybuilding:All The Truth, None Of The Lies

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The Benefits of Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is one tough endeavor. It requires a lot of guts, energy, and serious mental discipline and commitment. It is all about strengthening and building the muscles and is usually done through a combination of weight training and cardio training. Thus, it is not for the lazy or the faint of heart.

Bodybuilders spend an average of 45 minutes to 2 hours a day for at least 4 times a week working out in the gym. This is why the career path suggested for those who want to get serious about building up muscles include 8-hour office jobs, work-from-home jobs, self-employment, or working in a gym. Having a flexible schedule is a must when you want to focus on improving your physique.

So what good would weightlifting do to you?

  1. Experts conclude that doing strength workouts thrice a week helps reduce the risk of heart ailments. It helps in managing issues with blood pressure, cholesterol level, and obesity.

However, some say that the intensity of weightlifting, if not managed well, might lead to heart diseases. It is recommended to see your doctor first before you engage in a program. Also, mix up your routine with cardio exercises to aid in strengthening your heart.

  1. It strengthens the bones and muscles. Since weightwork helps increase bone density, a bodybuilder is less prone to arthritis.

However, overworking your muscles can lead to injuries and this may have long-term negative effects. Thus, it is a must to know how to lift weights safely and properly.

  1. It improves mental health and memory. Endorphins are released by the body during weightlifting. They are hormones that help protect against mental ailments, and they cause you to feel healthy and relaxed.
  2. It increases self-confidence. This is probably what many people consider as the top reason for people to go for muscle building: to boost their egos. Who doesn't want to look great and feel good anyway?
  3. It will help you keep burning those stubborn calories even 36 hours after your workout.
  4. It is considered one of the safest ways to get fit as compared to running, gymnastics, and CrossFit.

What about supplements?

There are protein shakes, capsules, and bars available to help enhance muscle growth, improve metabolism, and increase energy. They're mostly available over-the-counter.

Steroids are also being used as performance-enhancers and they're known to help in muscle building. However, according to studies, they may cause damage to the kidney, liver, and heart so take precaution.

SARMS or selective androgen receptor modulators can also be an option and they are being marketed as an aid in developing lean muscles, healing joint injuries, and strength improvement, among others.

Make sure you get the go signal from your doctor before you take any supplements. The ingredients or substances found in those supplements may have negative effects on your body.

If you're seriously considering going through a muscle building program and if you want to have an Arnold Schwarzenegger physique, then start by preparing your mind and body for it. It will be a tough road ahead and they say that results are best seen after 6 or 12 months into a program. So, don't rush it — do it safely and stick to it!

If you have an questions feel free to e-mail me.


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